Friday, August 5, 2011

A New Home

A New Home


Hi I'm Gabi and I wanted to tell you about my new home. One day I overheard my owner talking, "Dad please can we get Gabi a new cage? She wants more space." She begged and pleaded. "Maybe. We'll see. You have to earn it" says her dad. The begging went on for a few weeks. Sure I had wanted more space but there were lots of other features I would miss about my cage. My wheel, my pent house (where I sleep thats important right?) my soft, fluffy bedding, my second look out house, and much, much more. In fact I was actually kind of scared about moving cages. Would I like my new cage? Would I keep my nice pent house? Would I even live on the same nice table next to the window where I enjoyed looking out of so many times? All a mystery, I'll just have to wait and see.

My owner is gone looking for a new cage. Boy, you couldn't imagine how nervous I am. She might come back with the worst cage I've ever seen. But better, she could come back with the best cage in the store. I hoped for the best and boy was I scared with a little bit of bad luck, I could be stuck in a cage I hate for the rest of my life. If Im had some luck I could get an okay cage but the best, I hoped I would totally luck out and get the best cage.

BEEP BEEP BEEP owwwwwww!!!!!! The door makes a rather loud beeping sound when someone opens the door. That's very loud to my little ears! But, it could only mean one thing, my new home had arrived! I had bumble bees bbbbbzzzzzzzing in my stomach. My owner came upstairs (without the cage) and put me in my ball. She came upstairs with the new cage but I couldn't see it. Her and her brother came and set it up. It took a while, but it was finally ready! Then, I saw it. Woweee!!!!!!!!!!! It had two levels! I lucked out! It was awesome. They put me in and let me explore I looked up. What was that red thing above my head? What was that color? Yellow, I think. It was like living in a whole new world. I loved it I looked out of my yellow bubble cap. Hello hello hello! I loved it! I also had a great sleeping place and a brand new wheel. I loved it! My owner watched me for a while and then left. That is my story.
The End